Questions and answers
Below we have listed questions we commonly are asked:
Does the NFI diet work for everyone?
The NFI diet works for everyone, as it has been specifically designed using food interaction chemistry within the body to work individually within each person to achieve weight loss or as a constructed plan to dramatically improve and reverse type 2 diabetes.
What do people get when they sign up for the NFI Diet?
When people sign up or are prescribed onto the NFI diet, they receive specifically tailored and individually designed, fully nutritionally balanced meal plans without calorie restriction. The diet itself consists predominantly of beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables.
Will I get sufficient protein on the diet?
Due to the unique method we use to calculate respective diets, each person will consume the necessary amount of protein a day.
What are the physiological effects of the NFI diet?
The NFI diet has been used in clinical trials to reverse type 2 diabetes (HbA1C 5.6% or less with total cessation of medication) with an 84% success rate. Significant reductions in body weight (including up to 40% visceral fat), blood pressure and cholesterol are also observed. In addition, various metabolic and digestive processes are normalised and patients often come off medication.
Will I feel weak?
As the diets have been designed to ensure that all energy needs are met, normally no weaknesses are felt. On the contrary, when starting the diet, we often get feedback where people say they have excessive energy.
Do I have to stay on the diet forever?
There are different diets for different people. People looking to lose weight can remain on the diet until they are content with the results, or have achieved their personal targets. Type 2 diabetic diets are slightly different; the individual has to follow the diet until he or she attains a result that is deemed manageable without medications and can achieve controlled blood sugar level 30 days after the last intake of medication.
How long will it take to reverse my type 2 diabetes?
We have treated thousands of patients who have had type 2 diabetes. Typically it takes 13-26 weeks depending on the individual. (Type 2 diet plans are only available through accredited doctors, please feel free to contact us directly on for further information.)
How is the NFI diet specifically tailored to individuals?
During the signup process, individuals are asked for their weight, height, age and gender as well as the medications they take. From this basic set of parameters, targeted chemistry for individuals can be established via tailored diet plans. So when patients consume the prescribed foods in the correct order, chemical compounds are created during the digestion process that increase metabolism and the targeting of lipids around internal organs, including covering the insulin receptors which is the main cause of insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes).
How is a protocol related to food able to be personalised?
When people hear about the NFI diet being specifically tailored to individuals, they sometimes assume this means personalised around their daily schedule. In reality, the NFI diet is personalised in respect to an individual’s chemistry. This ‘targeted food chemistry’ (some people call it ‘food pharmacology’) explains why the NFI diet is so effective. Skeptics say it’s impossible to establish relationships between so many food groups, which react in a multiplicative number of ways in the body. It is indeed impossible to cross reference and calculate the interactions between all food groups, which is why the number of food groups in the NFI diet has been reduced to 70. From these the NFI team have created algorithms and specific targeting regimes, which are built into programmes, allowing 15 million different eating plans to be constructed to custom-make tailored plans to target the specific needs of individuals.
When someone signs up, what happens?
When someone signs up or is prescribed the NFI diet, they have to input the data measurements that are requested. They will then receive a personalised diet plan on PDF. If the data inputted is not accurate, the diet prescribed would not be as effective. Due to changes in an individual's weight and potentially other parameters, the plans need to be recalculated every two weeks to ensure that individuals get effective tailoring and further improvement during the next two weeks.
Who is involved in the NFI diet?
The NFI diet was founded by David Hickman and Zuzana Plevova. They first tested the protocol on patients in Europe via pilot studies. The results were so impressive that, when presented to Professor Martinka, PhD, an acclaimed diabetes researcher and head of the National Institute of Endocrinology and Diabetes in Slovakia, he jumped at the opportunity to conduct a larger study. Professor Martinka published early study results at National Congress in Slovakia in May 2019. The NFI team also work with research facilities across Europe to conduct further trials.
Why are the NFI targeting datasets not public?
If the NFI algorithms and specific targeting regimes were public, it would be a lot harder to generate interest and get studies approved. Also, because the computer systems that produce personalised NFI meal plans are expertly configured, unless you have the algorithms and targeted mechanisms, it would be impossible to reprogramme the meal plans every two weeks. This means it would not be possible to tailor the diet plans and so any improvements in weight, cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose levels would not be as efficient. It is important to note that although the chemical targeting datasets are not public, the NFI diet contains only natural foods and has been nutritionally approved by a number of experts around the World.
Why not just stick to a plant-based diet?
There is significant data showing the benefits of diets based around unrefined plant-foods. The NFI diet is a whole-food plant-based diet that goes a step further, however, by completely personalising it from the molecular level. In respect to type 2 diabetes for example, the NFI team looked at the compounds that are required to strip fats from insulin receptors in liver and muscle cells - and calculated the timing of the specific chemical interactions required for optimal targeting of this process. Through reverse engineering the process and cross-referencing the chemical compounds within thousands of food groups, targeted datasets have been generated that are used to create tailored diet plans. This is how the process of stripping fats from insulin receptors in liver and muscle cells is optimised on the NFI diet and explains why the results are so much better than anything else on the market in terms of the rate type 2 diabetics achieve full remission.